Urări de bine și o scurtă precizare
Ca să înțelegeți cine ne conduce cu adevărat, trebuie să vă spun că acest comentariu îmi este CENZURAT TOTAL de către YOUTUBE... : This is what I want for the new year, 2021, and for the following years: Christians and Muslims (and normal people in general, including Jews) must respect each other, so as not to give a chance of satisfaction to the antichristic Jews(see Third Temple plan). And no, I'm not an ecumenist, I don't like Islam, and I don't like people in general(nor I hate them, of course). But, in "my" country, Romania, for example, we can incite genocide against the Russians, without fear of consequences, instead, if we tell about "antisemitic" conspiracy "theories", we are threatened with arrest. Is this a righteous world? God bless you all, guys! https://cfulheppznuxg6fujomqhdd2za-adwhj77lcyoafdy-saccsiv-wordpress.translate.goog/2009/08/12/ultima-revolutie-noua-ordine-mondiala-reala-impotriva-falsei-%E2%80%9Cnoi-ordini-mondiale...